The Pendle Yield Calculator helps you to predict the potential returns from various strategies on Pendle, letting you identify the best yield opportunities available.
- Go to Pendle App and click on "Calculator".
- Select one or more of the 3 strategies.
- Pick an Underlying Asset and the corresponding Maturity Date from the dropdowns.
- Select the amount of Initial Capital you wish to supply. You can toggle the input between USD and Underlying by clicking on the respective buttons in the top right corner.
- Key in your expected Average Future APY. This can also be used to test out the profit scenarios for various APYs. Note: Default set to the current Underlying APY.
- If LP is selected, there will be an additional field to vary the Target Lock Duration and Target PENDLE Locked. You can also use this to check the precise minimum requirements for Max Boost.
- Click “Calculate” and on the right, a table estimating the profit and APY generated by your strategy and inputs will appear.